Maria Design
Organization number: 8402090883
Our delivery times vary based on the courier service used by the florist. As such, we cannot accept orders requiring specific delivery times. Generally, deliveries occur between 09:00 and 21:00 on both weekdays and weekends.
Same Day Delivery
We offer same-day delivery if orders are placed before 14:00 on weekdays and before 10:00 on Saturdays.
Delivery Method
Flowers are delivered directly to the recipient’s door. However, for rural areas, islands, or locations inaccessible by the florist’s courier, deliveries may be made via bus, ferry, or mail van, requiring the recipient to pick up their flowers from the nearest delivery point. Prior to delivery, the recipient is contacted by phone or text message to confirm they are available to receive the flowers, unless otherwise specified at the time of ordering. In some cases, this confirmation call may occur one or two days in advance.
We cannot guarantee on-time deliveries in the event of extreme weather, major events, or other unforeseen circumstances. If delivery fails, we will contact the recipient to arrange a new delivery date.
Orders to Businesses
Deliveries to business addresses are made only during office hours. For same-day delivery, orders must be placed by 10:00 on weekdays. We do not deliver to business addresses on weekends. For schools, hotels, hospitals, and other businesses, flowers are usually left at the reception. If the recipient is unavailable or the business is closed, the delivery will not be replaced or refunded.
Business Deliveries During Major Holidays
During peak holiday periods, orders must be placed by 14:00 the day before the desired delivery date to ensure timely delivery.
Changing or Cancelling an Order
You can modify or cancel your order by messaging our customer service.
- Cancel: Orders can be cancelled as long as the florist has not yet created the bouquet or arrangement.
- Change: Changes to orders require 24 hours’ notice to allow the florist time to implement the modifications. Changes requested on the day of delivery cannot be guaranteed. During major holiday periods, this processing time extends to 72 hours due to the high volume of orders, as florists often prepare flowers the day before delivery.
If the flowers are damaged upon delivery or wilt within five days despite proper care, contact customer service with a photograph of the flowers and select “complaint” as the topic. Complaints must be made within a reasonable time after noticing the fault to facilitate a replacement in accordance with the Consumer Purchase Act. If the delivery does not occur as agreed and the recipient was available, you may cancel your purchase, except during major holidays when delivery dates may vary.
Perishable items such as flowers, chocolate, or delicacies cannot be returned according to the law on distance contracts and contracts outside business premises.
You can choose to pay with Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, or American Express on the website. Credit card payments are processed securely, and the card must be valid and approved for online purchases. Payment is prepaid and debited from your card upon order placement.
All transactions are processed in SEK, EUR, GBP,USD.
Order Confirmation
After placing an order on Flower bazaar, you will receive an on-screen confirmation and an email confirmation, which serves as your purchase receipt. If you do not receive this email or if there is an issue with your order, please contact customer service.
Processing of Personal Data
We handle all personal data provided during the purchase process to facilitate order delivery and payment.
Shipping Charge
Each order includes a shipping charge of 100 SEK.
All prices are inclusive of VAT.